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iZIP - Computer Repair Australia Wide
Pickup / Drop Off Support
Phone: 07 32 666 500 now!
Benefits of remote support
| Make your life easier with all the benefits of remote support |
  • Cost effective:
      No call out fees. No charges in hourly blocks
  • Efficiency:
      Faster response times and quicker support sessions
  • Client-friendly:
      No hassells for you having to wait for a technician to arrive
      No technician in the way of your staff and clients
  • Controlled environment:
      Your staff and customers won't be interupting the support session.
      The technician will not be under your feet
  • Fast response:
      Faster responses due to not having to visit onsite
  • After hours:
      Support can easily be provided outside of business hours
  • Green:
      Sounds silly? Every bit counts
      No visit = no driving. No driving = No emissions
  • Less intrusive:
      Technicians will not be within your premises, store or office

What we can help you with
| Windows Issues | Speed Issues | MS Office | Outlook & Email | Software Issues | Configuration |
  • Windows BSoD (Blue Screen of Death)
  • Internet connection issues
  • Unable to log in
  • File deletion / recovery
  • Slow computer
  • Computer not starting
  • Computer freezes / frozen
  • Computer restarts / reboots
  • Printer issues / Network printer issues
  • Slow internet
  • WiFi drop outs
  • Internet drop outs
  • Software use
  • Microsoft office
  • Outlook & emails

What you need

Basic support can be provided over the phone or via text, email or social apps/programs such as Facebook, Skype, Telegram, Viber, Whatsapp and other text based communication that may support video and or pictures as well.

Remote control support can be provided using software on your device that allows us to access your device as if we were sitting in front of it.

You need:

> Text communication or a phone

> Internet connection (optional but best)

Contact Details:

Phone: 0732 666 500


You contact us when you have a problem. We will never ring you and tell you that you have a problem.
..why? Because we don't know that you have a problem until you tell us!
Scammers will contact you without notice and claim to be from an international reputable company and that you have a problem that they can fix for you.

!! Supporting anywhere !!
Although we are based in Brisbane we have provided remote support throughout Austalia and Internationally for businesses and companies as far as Austria, Georgia, Ukraine, Brazil, Kenya, India (it makes you giggle doesn't it), UK and USA